Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Confirmation Class Assignment Due 12/15/13

Session 8, p. 18

Re-write the reading based on Isaiah 40 and 42 after meditating upon who God is.  Look at pictures of God's creation and allow yourself to stand in awe.  Please comment below with your assignment.

See you Sunday!!
12/15 is Session 10 with Pastor Paul

Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 3 Email

Hello Confirmation Students and Parents!
We just finished our 3rd week! Thank you for your participation and thank you to parents for dropping off your son/daughter early to be able to participate.

I will try to send weekly updates to remind of any homework, announcements, etc.

1. Please do your daily devotions and journaling. I will check journals each Sunday for the following: (1) daily devotions/Bible reading and (2) Sermon Notes from Sunday Worship. These journals are also used for various notes during the class.

2. Confirmation Class Blog: Please go to our blog for any announcements, information, etc. In the future I will post homework on this blog and ask that students complete the homework online by Saturday night.

3. This Week's Homework: Don't be alarmed - homework is not meant to give you more stress. It is designed to help you process the lesson or to prepare for the next week's lesson.
**Find out the story behind the First, Middle and Last names and your Korean name. You can write a paragraph about it, write a poem about it, whatever you'd like. Bring this to class Sunday.
For example:
R-Rare, You won't find many Rana's unless you're in India. But to date I have found 2 other Korean Rana's, another Rana Choi and a Rana Cho
A- A lot of kids used to call my "froggy" because my name means frog in Spanish
N-Naming me was a mistake - It was actually supposed to be Rena, some queen. So here's to spelling mistakes
A-A lot of people think my Korean name is Rana but it's not -it's 윤정

4. $10 Book Fee: A reminder to those who haven't paid the book fee. Please bring your book fee of $10.

5. Book of Confessions: We read through the "Theological Declaration of Barmen" which dealt with the use of the Word of God in church politics (p. 246). Please keep a copy for yourself for your own reference.

Please email, call/text me with any questions or comments! I am praying for each and every one of you!

God's Blessings and Prosperity! (Remember the sermon?)
Pastor Rana

Friday, September 9, 2011

Spiritual Mentor Application

This form is due October 9, 2011. Please bring completed form.

Spiritual Mentor Requirements:
-Practicing believer
-23+ years old
-Available to meet at least 1 hour each month for the duration of the class. (via phone, face-to-face, skype, etc.)
-Send monthly updates on meetings via email to Pastor Rana.

Or click on this link

Time and Location 2011-2012 Class

Class start Sunday, September 11, 2011 and end on Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012
9:30 AM-10:30 AM
Room 017
**Please arrive early so that we can start promptly at 9:30 AM

There will be a Confirmation Banquet Friday, April 13 (or the week prior). This is subject to change.

Registration Form

**Please bring form and $10 for booklet to the first day of class.

or go to this link:

Confirmation 2011-2012 Schedule/Checklist

This is the Confirmation schedule and checklist. Please keep a copy of this document in your folder along with your workbook.

Or click on this link