Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 3 Email

Hello Confirmation Students and Parents!
We just finished our 3rd week! Thank you for your participation and thank you to parents for dropping off your son/daughter early to be able to participate.

I will try to send weekly updates to remind of any homework, announcements, etc.

1. Please do your daily devotions and journaling. I will check journals each Sunday for the following: (1) daily devotions/Bible reading and (2) Sermon Notes from Sunday Worship. These journals are also used for various notes during the class.

2. Confirmation Class Blog: Please go to our blog for any announcements, information, etc. In the future I will post homework on this blog and ask that students complete the homework online by Saturday night.

3. This Week's Homework: Don't be alarmed - homework is not meant to give you more stress. It is designed to help you process the lesson or to prepare for the next week's lesson.
**Find out the story behind the First, Middle and Last names and your Korean name. You can write a paragraph about it, write a poem about it, whatever you'd like. Bring this to class Sunday.
For example:
R-Rare, You won't find many Rana's unless you're in India. But to date I have found 2 other Korean Rana's, another Rana Choi and a Rana Cho
A- A lot of kids used to call my "froggy" because my name means frog in Spanish
N-Naming me was a mistake - It was actually supposed to be Rena, some queen. So here's to spelling mistakes
A-A lot of people think my Korean name is Rana but it's not -it's 윤정

4. $10 Book Fee: A reminder to those who haven't paid the book fee. Please bring your book fee of $10.

5. Book of Confessions: We read through the "Theological Declaration of Barmen" which dealt with the use of the Word of God in church politics (p. 246). Please keep a copy for yourself for your own reference.

Please email, call/text me with any questions or comments! I am praying for each and every one of you!

God's Blessings and Prosperity! (Remember the sermon?)
Pastor Rana

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